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Kerteminde Sejlklub

Nordic Folkboat 75 anniversary party

Dato og tid

Søndag d. 6. august 2017 kl. 18:00 til 23:55


Lørdag d. 15. juli 2017 kl. 00:10


Kerteminde Sejlklub Søsportscenteret, Marinavejen 6, 5300 Kerteminde Kerteminde Sejlklub Søsportscenteret
Marinavejen 6
5300 Kerteminde

Nordic Folkboat 75 anniversary party


Past and present sailors is invited to a celebration to remember.

A fantastic opportunity to catch up with old friends, to talk about memories and stories from your Folkboat career.

This is tickets for the Folkboat Anniversary Party sunday evening august 6th 2017.

Please notice that
- the F75 anniversary event and the Goldcup 17 regatta are to separate events with separate audience, but close in time and place

- the Anniversary dinner and Entertainment is a party for all Folkboat afcionados with a personal connection and feeling for the Folkboat, and not only active Folkboat sailors, owners or GoldCup participants.

- the anniversary dinner is the only anniversary event witch requires entry and entry fee, The opening ceromony, fun-sailing and other is with free entry

- the entry fee for goldcup17 does not include entry or registration of participation in the anniversary party

-Anniversary Party ticket-sale will close july 13th The deadline 13th july for ticketsale has passed, and the online sale option is closed. Please contact organizer (mail goldcup[a]kerteminde-sejlklub.dk) if you have any ticket questions.

Further informations about the F75 anniversary at www.kerteminde-sejlklub.dk/staevner-2/folkboat-75/anniversary-75/

Further information about the Goldcup 17 regatta at www.kerteminde-sejlklub.dk/staevner-2/folkboat-75/goldcup-2017/

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